Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Blog re: Blogs

It's January, and the cave is cold and dark. When it rains in the outside world, there's even water in the cave sometimes. Things can get pretty dismal. Even the playful antics of the Destructo Twins don't relieve the gloom of the atmosphere as they merrily turn everything in the house into a plaything and upend order into disarray. That last post must have been difficult. It put the old fish off writing completely. I heard that recently Mr. George Will himself said that almost all blogging was pointless anyway, because most of it was about people's personal experience rather than politics, and the Internet wasn't going to produce millions of Thomas Paines. What does Mr. Will know? He once said that the motto of Steak'nShake, "In Sight, It Must Be Right," was a meaningless advertising slogan. He obviously has not haunted as many Steak'nShakes as I have, watching the staff making the food in plain sight. So there, Mr. Pundit! I'll blog about anything I want to.

It doesn't seem as though it would do much good to make powerful political arguments and calls for change all over the Internet, as long as people inherently remain sheep. They want to be led, and they don't want to be faced with complicated ideas. If every blogger on the net WERE Thomas Paine, as long as the number one name in Net searches every day continued to be Britney Spears, what difference would it make? Everyone who preaches is preaching to the converted anyway.

I'm here to practise my writing skills and to ramble on about anything that comes to mind. What can't get published in multiple copies on paper can still be published on the ephemeral bandwidth of the Internet; all it needs is an address. The certain knowledge that nobody is reading it is an integral part of the experience. No grades, no criticism, no comments from the peanut gallery. What could be freer?